Primo International Foods B.V., your expert in export

Primo International Foods exports food products from Western Europe to importers, wholesalers and supermarket chains in Asia, Africa and the Middle-East, among other regions.

If you are interested in importing a food product from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany or other Western European country, we can take care of this for you, from start to finish. We have an excellent working relationship with various manufacturers and can adapt products to suit your target group’s needs.

Interested in changing packaging or replacing a certain ingredient, for example? Or perhaps you are looking to launch the product in the market under a private label? We can take care of all of this for you. Consolidation, transport and shipping are also part of our daily activities.
We ensure that you will receive the right products at a competitive price at the agreed-upon time.

Primo International Foods B.V.: custom-made quality

Established in 1994, Primo International Foods is located in the north of the Netherlands.
We specialise in the export of food products from Western Europe for importers, wholesalers and supermarket chains in Asia, Africa and the Middle-East, among other regions. Primo International Foods sets itself apart in the quality, customisation, service and competitive prices it offers its customers.

Contact us

Tel: +31 (0) 512 589 831
Fax: +31 (0) 512 589 833
E-mail: (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Ampèrelaan 1
9207 AM Drachten, Holland